You heard me. This buffalo chicken sweet potato recipe is super saucey and hearty. I’m obsessed.
Made with whole ingredients, it puts a healthy spin on the classic American buffalo chicken wings. Sneaking in those extra veggies makes it full of fiber and nutrient dense. Arugula, celery, carrots, garlic and onion take the buffalo flavor to a whole other level.
I would recommend saving this recipe for the weekend when you’re watching a game or have a little extra time to sit down and enjoy it! This one will make your whole family and friends happy. The leftovers are great for lunches too. If you’re taking an hour to make the meal, you might as well make a few extra to have later.
And can we just talk about the dressing for a minute? SO GOOD. I make extra to use for dipping veggie snacks in. The dressing and vegetable slices could also be a great appetizer or used as dressing on a salad.
This meal is flavorful and versatile. You could make some of the components separately to mix with other favorite recipes. Throw the buffalo chicken on a salad or sandwich. Make just the baked potato with the dressing as a side. Keep meals saucey and spicy!
Nutrition Info:
Sweet Potatoes: root veggie high in fiber, vitamin A and C
Arugula: vitamin A and K, great green leafy veggie with a peppery taste
Greek Yogurt: Excellent source of calcium, potassium, protein, zinc, and vitamins B6 and B12