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Best Intuitive Eating Podcasts

This podcast list is meant to be a helpful resource of intuitive eating podcasts along with anti-diet culture topics. If you are tired of the impacts of diet culture, are learning to trust your body and enjoy listening to podcasts this list is for you! If you are simply curious about intuitive eating, here’s our top picks.

Many of these podcasts focus on topics including intuitive eating, health at every size and rejecting diet culture. 

Terms you might hear in these intuitive eating focused podcasts:

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive Eating is a self-care eating framework. IE integrates instinct, emotion, and rational thought and was created by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995. Intuitive Eating is a weight-inclusive, evidence-based model with a validated assessment scale and over 100 studies to date.

It’s a personal and dynamic process, which includes 10 principles:

  1. Reject the Diet Mentality
  2. Honor Your Hunger
  3. Make Peace with Food
  4. Challenge the Food Police
  5. Respect Your Fullness
  6. Discover the Satisfaction Factor
  7. Honor Your Feelings without Using Food
  8. Respect Your Body
  9. Exercise—Feel the Difference
  10. Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition

Check out my breakdown of intuitive eating!

What is Health at Every Size?

The Health At Every Size® (HAES®) approach is a continuously evolving alternative to the weight-centered approach to treating people of all sizes. It is also a movement working to promote size-acceptance, end weight discrimination, and to lesson the cultural obsession with weight loss and thinness. The HAES approach promotes balanced eating, life-enhancing physical activity, and respect for the diversity of body shapes and sizes.

What is Diet Culture?

“Diet culture is a system of beliefs that worships thinness and equates it to health and moral virtue. This means you can spend your whole life thinking you’re irreparably broken just because you don’t look like the impossibly thin “ideal.”

Diet culture promotes weight loss as a means of attaining higher status. This can make people feel compelled to spend a massive amount of time, energy, and money trying to shrink their body. Research is very clear that almost no one can sustain intentional weight loss for more than a few years.

Demonizes certain ways of eating while elevating others, which means you’re forced to be hyper-vigilant about your eating, ashamed of making certain food choices, and distracted from your pleasure, your purpose, and your power.

Oppresses people who don’t match up with its supposed picture of “health,” which disproportionately harms women, femmes, trans folks, people in larger bodies, people of color, and people with disabilities, damaging both their mental and physical health.”

Top Podcasts for Intuitive Eating: 

Maintenance Phase

Every other Tuesday, Michael Hobbes and Aubrey Gordon debunk the junk science behind health fads, wellness scams and nonsensical nutrition advice. Their topics are fabulous and up to date! Definitely a favorite podcast to tune into! Find them on Instagram @maintenancephase.

What the Actual Fork Pod

is hosted by Sammy Previte of Find Food Freedom and Jenna Werner of Happy Strong Healthy. They are two intuitive eating registered dietitians who were also once a victim of diet culture. Now they dedicate their lives to fighting the lies of diet culture, to help you see there is “more to life than chasing a smaller body”. They have episodes with a variety of health care professionals, and even some with their clients on their journey towards food freedom. They enjoy keeping it real with their audience and the occasional “f-bomb” (I would advise you listen to the pod when you’re not within reach of small ears). If you are looking to fill your instagram feed with intuitive eating quotes and funny videos I recommend you follow Sammy @findfoodfreedom and Jenna @happystronghealthy

RD Real talk

is hosted by Intuitive Eating dietitian Heather Caplan. In this podcast she combats diet culture and helps fellow RDs build weight inclusive practices built on the fundamentals of Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole. Just like the title this pod is all about dietitians keeping it real. Heather is unapologetic in her pursuit of ending fat-phobia and  helping others find their voice in a world where diet culture is so prevalent. If you wish to follow her on instagram her handle is @rdrealtalk. As a disclaimer, this podcast does contain some politically charged talk for those who are turned off by political bias.

Dietitians Unplugged

is hosted by two goofy Registered Dietitians Aaron Flores and Glenys Oyston. They are also two intuitive eating and health at every size dietitians that get together to talk about health betterment without weight stigma. They are currently on pause from the podcast, but have 84 episodes that are available to listen to full of insightful guests and fun banter. If you are looking for a pod that will help you ditch the scale and gain a new sense of confidence give this one a listen and follow Glenys @daretonotdiet on facebook and Aaron @aaronfloresrdn on instagram.

Food Psych

is hosted by Christy Harrison who is also the author of Anti Diet. A unique feature of this pod is she bleeps out diet trigger words instead of curse words. This is tastefully done to help encourage her listeners to “make peace with food and break free of diet culture”. Christy has on a variety of health care professionals and anti-diet activists that will inspire you on your journey towards food freedom. This pod is on Apple’s top 100, has been seen in the New York Times, and featured in Shape magazine. To see more of Christy Harrison, give her a follow @chr1styharrison on instagram.

How to Love your Body

is different from the rest of the podcasts on this list because it is not hosted by Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size Registered Dietitians. However, it is hosted by intuitive eating advocates who have lost years of their lives to diet culture. In this podcast Lauren and Jenna dive into the concepts of intuitive eating and give you helpful steps on your pursuit towards body positivity and food freedom. They are trained and certified by the original intuitive eating professionals and provide a valuable perspective into healing your relationship with yourself and food. They have recently come out with a documentary called Behind the Before and After which highlights the harmful impacts of diet culture and the science on why it should be left behind. To follow Jenna and Lauren you can find them on instagram @bodylovesociety

Food Heaven

Food Heaven is close to home since Wendy and Jess are registered dietitians in Colorado. This podcast focuses on helping others live a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. They talk to a variety of health experts who focus on HAES, Intuitive eating, body positivity, and mental health. These ladies are not afraid to hit hard topics and go into great detail on them. In the episode linked they are speaking to Evelyn Tribole who Co-authored the book Intuitive Eating which details studies on dieting and their after effects on participants on their overall health and wellbeing. To see more of Wendy and Jenna, follow them on instagram @foodheaven. As a disclaimer, this podcast does contain some politically charged talk for those who are turned off by political bias.

The body love project

hosted by a certified intuitive eating, weight inclusive RDN and certified personal trainer Jessi Haggerty. This podcast is not only rich in HAES and Intuitive eating content, but also has information on healthy movement. In this linked podcast episode she is talking to Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch about their research in intuitive eating and how it is not just an “eat whatever you want” form of eating. They also get into movement amongst other things. This is her very first episode in the body love project, so you can keep listening from the beginning OR start from her most recent episode on sharing your recovery. Jessi Haggerty is on instagram and you can follow her @jessihaggertyrd.

The F*ck It Diet Podcast 

Hosted by Caroline Dooner who is also the author of The F*ck It Diet. Her book is a relatable and revolutionary piece on how she dropped dieting and started following the research behind intuitive eating. She is not a nutrition professional, but she provides valuable insight to the damage that diet culture has on society. In this podcast she talks to a variety of health care professionals to help you on your journey to recovery from chronic dieting. This podcast does have the explicit warning on it, so I would recommend listening to it away from young ears. Be prepared to get vulnerable, to learn, and relate with Caroline Dooner on your journey towards food freedom. Caroline is on Instagram, and you can follow her @thef*ckitdiet and be prepared for 2022 where her second book Tired as F*ck is set to come out. 

Evelyn Tribole’s podcast interviews are also a must https://www.evelyntribole.com/resources/interviews/

The original intuitive eating pro. Evelyn Tribole MS, RD is an award winning registered dietitian including her multiple successful books and is the founder of intuitive eating.  She has such a vibrant genuine personality and you will hear her contagious laugh throughout her interviews!

Intuitive Eating Podcasts

Podcasts are a great way to expand your knowledge! You can relate to others while listening in the car, during a workout, or while doing housework. If you love any of these resources be sure to give them a follow and share their pod. Tag rdrxnutrition and thelittlemuscle in your IG stories, we would love to know your thoughts!

You can also checkout some of the podcasts I have been lucky enough to take part in!

RDRx Nutrition Podcasts

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