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Alaska Family Fitness Ideas

Looking for Alaska family fitness ideas that are actually fun?

I read a meme saying “One of my biggest fears is that I’ll marry into a family that runs 5ks on holidays”. In all seriousness finding ways to be active with your family can be a great way to create more quality time. Sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in a rut, check out these Alaska family fitness ideas to change it up and get moving!

Alaska Family Fitness Ideas (most near Anchorage)

Summer Activities Near Anchorage

Summers in Alaska are the best! There’s no other place I’d rather be than outdoors. Some fun things to do with family visiting and/or kids are…

Mild Hikes: Flat Top, Thunderbird Falls, Eagle River Nature Center, Tonsina Point Trail, Exit Glacier, and so many more! Check out AllTrails for hiking details.

Kayaking (our favorite place is Ekultna and Miller’s Landing if you are ready for the ocean)

Walks on the Coastal Trail

Berry Picking (can’t tell you my favorite spots, sorry)

Winter Activities Near Anchorage 

Ice Skating (Westchester Lagoon, Elementary Schools, there are tons of Anchorage ice rinks that are kid friendly and groomed regularly)

Cross-Country Skiing – Kincaid Chalet and Hillside are where we go most often

Downhill skiing – Hilltop and Alyeska 

Fat Tire Biking- you can rent bikes at Paramount Cycles or Trek Bikes. If you are looking for an advanced fat tire bike trip, check out my blog on Spencer Glacier

Days that are too cold, check out indoor rock-climbing at the Alaska Rock Gym, bowling at Jewel Lake Bowl, swimming pool at The Alaska Club or activities at The Dome. Anchorage yoga offers kids classes too! 

This Thule is the best thing we’ve ever bought! We use it off roading, skiing and ice skating to carry around our daughter for activities. 

And if you do decide to do some races, Anchorage has a ton of fun ones! My favorite races are The Heart Run (this was my first race when I was in elementary school with my dad), Frightening 4k, Skinny Raven Turkey Trot, Alaska Women’s Run, Fur Rondy 5k, and many others!

Advice for Family 5ks:

1.) At least warn your family you are signing them up. 

2.) Pick a race with something fun to do at the end. Pick a fun town to explore!

3.) Dress up or wear matching outfits for funny pictures.

4.) If you bring your dogs, dress them up too. 

5.) Ask your family after the race “how much fun they had”. 

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